
We are the only factory in Baltic states which designs and produces equipment for pellets production. The factory also manufactures agricultural equipment and processes a variety of metalwork operations. 
Our products include: straw shredding and pellet producing equipment sets SSGL-1, pellet press OGM-1,5A, combines for picking berries USK-1 “JOVARAS”, seed treating equipment SBI-1, grain mills, fertilizer spreaders, mowers and other.
The factory is capable of carrying out various types of metal processing.
Our priority - high quality products and services. Products are certified and meet the EU requirements.

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Konverents "Roheline eluliin"

Reedel, 14. oktoobril toimub konverents “Roheline eluliin”, kus tutvutakse päikeseenergia ja elektrituru olukorraga ja uuritakse, mis hakkab juhtuma edasi, kui 2035. aastal lõpeb sisepõlemismootoritega autode finantseerimine. 

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