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5 reasons to study in France:

1. A world-class education
France is ranked #3 in the world in the Shanghai Ranking. In 2021, the Financial Times' top five masters in finance are all French.

2. Reasonably-priced, state-funded education
In French public universities, non-European students pay less than 4,000 euros a year for a master's degree, and European students pay almost nothing. The state covers most of the cost of students’ education, not to mention the many scholarship opportunities available!

3. An attractive destination for international students
With nearly 370,000 international students from five continents, France is among the top host countries in the world.

4. One of the world’s top economic powers
France, the sixth economic power in the world and second in Europe in terms of GDP, is Europe’s first destination for international investments in 2020.

5. A wide choice of academic programs, all over the country
Choose from 3,500 public and private institutions throughout France, and earn a diploma that's accredited by the French government and recognized throughout the world. Take advantage of the many corporate internship opportunities. You can also take one of our 700 distance learning courses.

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Research and innovation are national priorities in France.


The new Francophone Center for the Humanities and Social Sciences in Vilnius.

Due to the closing of the CFB in Minsk, the new Francophone Center for the Humanities and Social Sciences was established in Vilnius in October 2021 with the support of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs of France.

Its purpose is to prepare and implement university educational programs in French. Special attention in the projects of the Center is paid to the international, European and economic law. In the near future, this specialization should become the basis of the curriculum of the license level (Bachelor’s degree) program implemented by the Center in collaboration with the University of Bordeaux in France.

In addition, the Francophone Center organizes open lectures by French lecturers on International Law. In December 2021 the lectures, devoted to public international law, the development of the European Union and fundamental human rights, smart cities and improving the urban environment through changes in legal norms, as well as the legal aspects of European sanctions were held.

At present, the main partners of the Center are the European Humanities University in Vilnius and the University of Bordeaux in France.

Information on the activities of the Center can be obtained via the email