April 26, 2023
Tallinn Vital Statistic Department, in the historic Art Nouveau villa
April 27, 2023

In the era of digital revolution, electronic identification (eID) and trust services are the essential components to enable secure transactions in the digital world. The mobility of European Union citizens has increasingly grown in the recent years, as well as the demand and expectations to the access to cross-border digital public services. In this presentation we share our experiences on establishing cross-border eID infrastructure from Estonian eID ecosystem’s perspective and explain how it has affected digital public service provision in Estonia.
In the presentation we will provide an insight into the circulation of documents (submission and issuance) and those services in civil registry institutions that, according to regulatory enactments, can be provided in the e-environmet.
The Swiss law changed on January 1st 2012. Since then, the public officer is allowed to deliver electronic act. Every canton (i.e. federal state) is responsible for the process and its application. Where are we now in the implentation process?
For the 2023 congress, we have prepared a questionnaire, the purpose of which is to map the situation of e-services and digital solutions in different countries when performing the civil status procedure. An overview of the questionnaire allows you to briefly introduce the practice of different countries, the scope and specificities of digital services. Based on feedback and experience, cooperation can be intensified to create and implement new digital solutions.
Dress code: dark suit. More information about dinner HERE.
19:00 Transfer to Gala Dinner
23:00 Transfer back to Nordic Hotel Forum
April 28, 2023
Civil registration remained unchanged for centuries, since the beginning. The digital revolution of the twentieth century has also significantly changed the processes of civil registration, the documents, as well as the skills required of officials. The presentation looks at the changes that have taken place in Estonia and tries to think about where we are heading.
EVS partnered with ANUSCA and European Universities to develop the Identities on the move project, co-funded by the European Commission. The project studies the circulation of public documents under the Regulaton 2016/1191 in theory and in practice. The contribution will deliver the latest results of the project with a special focus on digital documents and the policy recommendations to the EU institutions.
The presentation will focus on the current situation of the ICCS, the work in progress and the various projects that have just been launched (entry into force of Convention No. 34 and its consequences, modernisation of conventions, translations of texts, relaunch of the practical guide on civil status).
Contacts of organizer
Nordic Hotel Forum, Viru väljak 3