
Having been built in 1921, the University combines traditions of a classical university and modern trends of the educational process. The university carries out pre-university training of the Belarusian and foreign citizens, training of specialists with specialized secondary education and training of specialists with higher education in 74 specialties, 76 areas of specialties, 278 specializations (many of which are unique) at 177 departments. BSU is a full cycle of education: the 1st degree studies, master's degree studies, postgraduate studies, doctoral studies, further training and retraining.

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пр. Независимости, 4, 220030, г. Минск, Республика Беларусь

About BSU

The BSU occupies a special place in the system of scientific organizations of Belarus. It comprises research institutions, national research centers and, most importantly in terms of innovation, a network of high-tech research and production enterprises engaged in production and sales of scientific and technical products of the University.

Among the main areas of scientific research in the BSU we can mark out the aerospace technology. In 2018, a university nanosatellite developed by the students and staff of the BSU will be launched into Earth orbit. The service module of the Russian Segment of the International Space Station is equipped with the video spectral system developed at the BSU.

A special place in the BSU research activities is held by chemical technologies. The use of phosphate binders allows creation of new heat-resistant materials with operating temperatures up to 1,700°C. Industrial enterprises of the Republic of Belarus widely use technologies of obtaining and application of various coatings on metal surfaces developed at the BSU.

The scientists of the university are actively engaged in studying and developing of medical technologies. An important place in this field is taken by development of medications for cancer treatment that have no world analogues.

In the field of agriculture, the BSU specialists created unique pharmaceutical veterinary biologics for treatment and prevention of animals’ diseases, bio-pesticides, equipment and technology for presowing microwave processing of seeds, a new generation of disinfectants.

Another significant place among scientific developments of the BSU is occupied by the developments in the field radio electronics (hardware-software complexes, measuring devices), as well as study and development of energy-efficient technologies.

Promo about BSU

The modern BSU is represented by 4 research institutes, 2 national research centers, 3 scientific unitary enterprises, 1 technopark, which are engaged in the development, production and sale of scientific and technical products.

A special place in BSU is occupied by the implementation of scientific and innovative activities in the field of agriculture, radio electronics, nuclear physics, chemical, biological, medical and aerospace technologies.

Ultra-small orbital spacecrafts

The first university nanosatellite BSUSat-1 was launched into low-earth orbit in 2018 and is still operating. With the participation of the international community of radio amateurs, more than 150,000 telemetry data packets with the results of cosmophysical experiments have already been received from its board. A full cycle of assembly, adjustment, testing, launch and operation of the spacecraft has been implemented.

To date, the specialists of the Belarusian State University have created the second nanosatellite BSUSat-2, and are working on its pre-flight tests and preparation for launch. The design of the nanosatellite BSUSat-2 implements an innovative modular layout of onboard subsystems of a small spacecraft. Original electronic and software-algorithmic means of service subsystems and payload modules have been developed, manufactured and adjusted. The launch is scheduled by the end of 2021.

Multifunctional measuring complex ALMA METER-2

The complex is intended for study and generation of electrical signals, conversion of signals from sensors of physical quantities. Application spheres include radio-electronics, instrument-making and other areas of economic activity, research laboratories, educational institutions.

The device is represented by a crate with an interface, power unit and built-in laboratory power supply and combinations of measuring modules. ALMA METER-2 includes 14 modules for various purposes, each of which can be used both as part of the measuring station and as an independent measuring device. The complex is controlled via PC Ethernet interface.

Advantages: multifunctionality, compactness, lower price as compared to foreign analogues, easy transformation according to the needs of the consumer.

Switch-mode power supplies and generators of high-current pulses of 1-25 kW power with a built-in microprocessor

The device can be used as a powerful generator of high-current pulses of complex shape, voltage regulator and current stabilizer.


  • High coefficient of efficiency – 96% (efficiency of modern inverter power supplies is equal to 80-85%); 
  • Content of nonferrous metals and special transformer steel was reduced 5-10 times;
  • Reduction of energy consumption 2-5 times by increasing the efficiency and reliability of the power supply;

The power supplies and generators are equipped with a microprocessor and digital remote control system which allows to operate one power supply or a whole complex of power supplies and electrical installations of a consumer at a distance of 1,000 m and more and ensures safety of the personnel working in hazardous conditions.

Application areas: technological plasma accelerators, welding, high-power lighting equipment, cinema projection equipment, charging of supercapacitors of electric vehicles.

Device for remote monitoring of movement of mobile objects AGENT B-607

The AGENT series devices are used as part of satellite vehicle monitoring systems as a terminal device installed at a controlled facility. A controlled object can be a motor vehicle, agricultural machinery, construction machines.

Using GPS satellite navigation system the devices enable to monitor transport location, routes and transportation schedules, fuel consumption, emergencies identification, car thefts, etc.

AGENT receives signals from the car sensors and transmits the information to the monitoring center using the mobile GPRS communication system.

Resource-saving technological equipment for manufacturing of products from elastic, integral and rigid polyurethane foam

Complexes of technological equipment for manufacturing of polyurethane foam products.

  • three-component mixing, dosing and dispensing equipment for polymer nanocomposites production;
  • multifunctional robotics complex for packing, sealing and bonding;
  • equipment for application of sealing contours made of polyurethane and silicone compositions;
  • resource-saving equipment for manufacturing of products from elastic, integral and rigid polyurethane foam;
  • equipment for manufacturing of sandwich panels.

The sealing is characterized by a number of advantages, such as seamlessness, moisture and dust resistance, noise insulation and vibration absorption, accurate application of sealants on all types of surfaces along different trajectories.

Application: automobile production (bump stop, air, oil and fuel filter elements), furniture, municipal engineering (sandwich panels, production of thermal insulation products), industry.

Liquid-crystal compounds. Bistable Smart Windows

Smart Windows are liquid-crystal bistable panels based on the effect of electrohydrodynamic instability and liquid-crystal materials. Depending on external factors, they change from transparent to matte, and vice versa. Light transmission is maintained in both conditions.

The advantages of the technology: regulation of light transmission; 20-30% suppression of IR; UV protection; possibility to display images on glass; constant electrical voltage is nor required, which significantly reduces energy consumption; operating temperature range from -40 to + 90°C; fast matte-to-transparent switch (less than 100 ms); direct sunlight does no t affect the image contrast; possibility to produce flexible panels; service life exceeds 10 years.

Corporate computer system for geological and surveyor support and mining engineering. Development of GIS technologies

The complex of specialized programs includes modules for calculation of the surface deformation in the working area, a high-performance functional tool for mining designers, surveyors and geologists, as well as modules for calculation of underground structures stability. The network graphics core MiningMANAGER is the basis of the corporate system of mining enterprise automation. Three main services (design, geological, surveying) are operating online with a general graphic plan of mining.

Enables to solve various economic problems using modern geoinformation systems.

Georadar acoustic method and instrumental complex for measuring of the strength characteristics of roads

The method and the instrumental complex are intended for express monitoring of the quality of coatings in construction and maintenance of roads to insure improve auto traffic safety.

The advantage of the proposed method is the possibility to determine both the strength characteristics of each layer of the road in a non-contact way, and to identify inhomogeneities, hidden violations and anomalous zones in the road coating layers.

The method was tested on the roads of Belarus and China.

There is no similar equipment on the market.

Ultrasonic gas flow-meters

Dimension-types: G1,6, G2,5, G4, G6, Т160; Т250; Т400, Т650; Т1000.

Ultrasonic gas, liquid, heat energy flow-meters can be used for industrial and commercial liquid account.

As compared with the existing analogues, the ultrasonic flow-meters provide a wider dynamic flow range (Qmax / Qcutoff = 2000), higher measurement accuracy (error less than 0.5% in operating conditions and not more than 1% for standard conditions). Working time of the built-in battery is not less than 10 years. The device has a number of know-how features.

  • Measurement in a range from 0,04 cubical meters / hour up to 25 cubical meters/hour.
  • Accuracy, reliability, low price.
  • Class of accuracy - 1.0.
  • Gas quality adjustment is available.

Design and security of wireless sensor networks. Software-hardware platforms for remote reading of heat metering devices and equipment control

Remote reading of various types of metering devices, flow meters and recorders, control and regulation of resource consumption.

  • Security and access control systems: area monitoring and strengthening of stationary security borders, control of the routes of people movement.
  • Housing automation: access control and accident prevention systems, wireless sensors for various Smart Home systems, control of lighting, climate, home electronics, fire-control systems.
  • Diagnostics of industrial equipment: remote technical supervision and preventive maintenance of equipment, monitoring the effective use of equipment.

A base station with a SIM-card covers an area of  2 km2 and collect information from up to 1,000 devices.

Compared to traditional solutions, the platform ensures significant reduction in monthly maintenance costs (payment of to the mobile operator traffic) – up to 10 times.

Modular gas flow control complex

Modular gas flow control complex is intended for automatic or manual control of the working gases flow rate in magnetron technological processes of deposition of nitrides, oxides and carbides of various materials under conditions of constant or reproducible power of magnetron discharges.

Modular gas flow control complex is considerably cheaper than its foreign analogues, which gives the opportunity to reduce the cost of installations for reactive magnetron deposition of coatings with unique properties.

The parameters of the prototype are close to the maximum achievable characteristics of similar up-to-date foreign systems.


пр. Независимости, 4, 220030, г. Минск, Республика Беларусь


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