  • Career counselling

Discover yourself and the opportunities to improve your knowledge!

When to take part in career guidance?

Take part in career counselling if you want:

  • find out what courses are available in Estonia and abroad and choose the right school;
  • to find the most suitable specialisation for you based on your interests, strengths and skills;
  • consider options for starting a course and how to balance work and study;
  • find different types of training opportunities, including free ones;
  • set goals and make an action plan to achieve your career dreams.

To take part, choose a time that suits you from the calendar below. You can choose to talk to a career counsellor by phone or online . The online meeting will take place in a Microsoft Teams environment, and a camera and microphone are essential. Once you have registered, we will also send you an email notification. You can register up to one hour before the service starts.

If you cannot find a suitable time in the calendar to meet with a career counsellor, you can choose and book a suitable time in the e-Unemployment Insurance Fund environment

Customer feedback on the service

"I liked the person who advised me, his suggestions, his communication style, which was not overly informal but rather a bit familiar. He gave me a few good ideas that I will try to use in the future. In any case, I thank him very much. I found out about a lot of other opportunities I have as a ninth-grader, and I also found out a lot of new and useful information about high schools, tests and universities."

"I liked the fact that I was helped and together we found a school that suited me and I was able to look at the internet pages to see where to go and what to do."

"Well, what was very good was the understanding attitude and the sincere interest in what would suit me. It was also good to be offered different ideas, and to broaden my horizons about the possibilities."

Useful Information

Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund (Eesti Töötukassa) career website for daily educational information and ideas minukarjää

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